
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Baby Story Time - Yummy Food!

Babies love food, and so do I! So why not do a story time on one of their favorite subjects?

Turkey nametags, anyone?
(confession time - this was actually my Thanksgiving story time, just now posting it!)

Wake-up Rhyme: "Roll, Roll, Sugar Babies"
Lots of story time bloggers use this one!  And it makes me think of sugar cookies :)

Roll, roll, sugar babies
Roll, roll, sugar babies
     (rolling baby's arms)
*Up, Down
     (arms up, then down)
Clap, clap, clap!

Repeat with other commands, such as "Out, In" (arms out and in), "Right, Left" (lean baby side to side), and "Front, Back" (tilt baby front and back).

1st Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Who doesn't love Eric Carle?

Counting Rhyme: "Five Little Cookies"
I borrowed this from Mel's Desk last year, but this year I made up my own rhyme to go with it.

Five yummy cookies, pretty as can be.
Someone ate the blue one! How many do you see? 1, 2, 3, 4!

Four yummy cookies, pretty as can be.
Someone ate the green one! How many do you see? 1, 2, 3!

Etc., etc.

Ok, so my plan was to bring my son's Cookie Monster toy (his mouth opens!!) to eat the cookies off of the board, but I forgot it at home.  Sigh, oh well.  There's always next year!

Action Song: "Go Bananas!"
You guys all learned the Banana Cheer in Girl Scouts, right??

Bananas unite!
     (put hands together over head)
Peel bananas, peel peel bananas!
     (peel one arm down)
Peel bananas, peel peel bananas!
     (peel other arm down)
Eat bananas, eat eat bananas!
     (sign "eat" at mouth)
Eat bananas, eat eat bananas!
Go bananas! Go go bananas!
Go bananas! Go go bananas!
Bananas to the left,
     (lean left)
Bananas to the right,
     (lean right)
Peel your banana and take a bite!
     (mime these actions)
     (rub tummy)

This was a hit!  The first line had everyone laughing, including me!

2nd Book: How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? by Jane Yolen
I only read about half of this one because the babies were getting super wiggly!

(Bonus Song! - I threw this in to get us back on track!)
Action Song: "Baby's Hokey Pokey" (adapted from the cd Baby Face by Georgiana Stewart)
Arms up, arms down,
Arms up, and wave them all around!
Then tickle, tickle, wiggle, wiggle, everybody knows,
That's how baby's hokey-pokey goes!
(Repeat with legs)

Action Rhyme: "Mix a Pancake"
This is a classic children's poem by Christina Rossetti.  I'm not sure where I saw the idea to use it as a lap bounce, but I like it!

Mix a pancake, stir a pancake,
     (draw big circles on baby's tummy)
Pop it in the pan.
     ("pop" baby in your lap)
Fry the pancake,
     (rock baby)
Toss the pancake,
     (lift baby in the air!)
Catch it if you can!
     (give baby a big hug!)

Nursery Rhyme: "Patty-Cake"
Patty-cake, patty-cake, baker's man.
     (clap hands)
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
     (clap hands)
Roll it, and pat it, and mark it with a "B,"
     (roll hands, pat tummy, draw a "B" on tummy)
And put it in the oven for baby and me!
     (clap hands)

3rd Book: Yummy Yucky by Leslie Patricelli
Baby compares yummy and yucky foods.  My favorite page reads, "Burgers are yummy. Boogers are yucky."

 We finished up with our usual songs and rhyme, and it was playtime.  This was a simple story time without a lot of extras (rhythm instruments, etc.), but it flowed smoothly and we had a lot of fun!


  1. What a perfect baby story time! It was just what I needed. I'm reposting, thanks.
