
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Preschool Story Time - Blast OFF!

Yet another theme I had toyed with for some time, I finally got around to putting it together.  There are just not as many space books as, say, monkeys or any other animal.  I also wanted to avoid aliens or anything too technical that would go over a preschooler's head.  So I stuck with rockets!  The kids really loved counting down and yelling BLAST OFF every chance they could!

Mousetronaut - by Mark Kelly
Meteor is the smallest mouse in the bunch, but his hard work and training pay off in this space mission adventure! Based on a (partially) true story - which was a great lead in for the kids and moms!

My fingerplay is from Stoytime Katie's blog.  She makes two finger puppets - I made 5 little astronauts to use with the rhyme below.  The rhyme is from this website, but take a look at NASA's website for more too!
There were five little astronauts
Going to the moon
One stayed to close the door
And that left only four

There were four little astronauts
Going to the moon
One stayed to make some tea
And that left only three

There were three little astronauts
Going to the moon
One couldn't find his shoe
And that left only two

There were two little astronauts
Going to the moon
One couldn't get her spacesuit on
And that left only one

One little astronaut
Did go to the moon
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
But she didn't like it very much
So she came back home quite soon!!
On The Moon - by Anna Milbourne
Shelved as a picture book, there are plenty of fascinating facts for preschoolers in this book!  The kids were rapt.  We even had a sidebar argument about how long it actually takes to get to the moon!

There Was a Bold Lady Who Wanted a Star- Charise Mericle Harper
I have an "Old Lady" book for every occasion, and I have been waiting a long time to do this one.  What I love about this book is how simply stated but true to the rhyme and measure of the original song this book stays.  I decided to go completely off book and whip up some felts.  My outreach classes loved them so I did the same in story time.  These are reversible too - the Bold Lady has to get back home!  Here is my Flannel Friday post about these felts.

Stella to Earth by Simon Puttock
I think I called this book "Earth to Stella" 8 of the 9 times I read it this week - but no matter.  Stella in her Chicken Ship (be very careful saying that quickly) blast off to excellent adventures but keeps in close contact with Earth.  What happens when Earth doesn't reply?  This book was another hit with the kids.

And my craft - well, rockets of course!  I made my own template for the fins and cone and made up dozens of them in various colors - my sample rocket is minimalist, but this give the kids the chance to color, add a face in the window, sticker, or any other bling to their own rockets!

Thanks for stopping by!!

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