
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Preschool Story Time - Monkey Business

Ok, who doesn't love Monkeys?  There is far too much material about monkeys to do just one story time.  These are definitely some of the best books and activities I could find.  We went WAY over time, but the kids enjoyed every minute!

I normally start each book with the song If You're Happy and You Know it sung for example like this: "If you wanna hear a story clap your hands", so I can signal that its time to turn on our listening ears and get ready for reading.  This time, I changed it to:
If you're a Monkey and you know it scratch your fur.
If you're a Monkey and you know it beat your chest.
If you're a Monkey and you know it wave your arms.
If you're a Monkey and you know it say 'ee-ee-ooh'

The kids love when I do this.  They love anticipating what I will do next.
Big Little Monkey by Carole Lexa Schaefer
Goodness this book is darling!  This is one of those books to practice out loud before story time, because you will want to practice your rhythm and voices.  But the kids LOVED it because each of them can relate to the BIG little monkey.
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina

I read this classic old book, and  then took the opportunity to retell it using props!  One of my story time moms crocheted for me 20 little caps.  I donned my own checkered cap, stacked my colored caps, fell asleep under the tree and the little monkeys all came from the story time carpet to snitch a cap from me!  I am really big on retelling, so this book was a great opportunity to have a little "Flash Play". The kids were awesome monkeys!!   My Flannel Friday post next week will have more about this fun activity!  Click here for more!

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow
Years ago I knew this book/rhyme would be forever with me, when I would read it to the preschoolers at the Yochien (Japanese Preschool) my children attended.  Even though the kids spoke no English and I had no Japanese,  the kids and I came together once a week to shout "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"  I created this quick flannel board to go with the rhyme, and put books on display to take home.

I finished the rhyme with this verse as I tucked each monkey in:
Now there are NO little monkeys jumping on the bed.
So none fell of and bumped their heads.
Mama didn't have to call the doctor, but instead she said.
'5 little monkeys, now it's time for bed.'

There Was an Old Monkey who Swallowed a Frog by Jennifer Ward
Yet another retelling (or in my case, resinging) of There Was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly.  This funky monkey swallows a bunch of unique things.  For my group who is used to hearing me sing about the Old Lady, this was a refreshing new look and what is going down someones throat!

Count the Monkeys by Mac Barnett
This book just CRACKS ME UP!  I used this book in outreach and in my story times and the kids have never been so vocal.  Everyone seems to love this book!  Come on, I dare you.  Count the Monkeys!

My crafts this week weren't really crafts, but tools for retelling. I found this fantastic blog post  with this awesome printable:
I supplied pop sticks and glue so the kids could make their own 5 little monkeys.  I also supplied materials to make this paper bag puppet, thanks to Teacher's Friend Publications
 This is just a great theme.  I have added it to my 'outreach pool' of themes I can grab and go, because it seemed like everything I did was a hit with the kids. And I even have more that I didn't even use!  I hope you enjoyed this post. 
Miss Kristie has also done a story time about Monkeys - to see how it can be done for TODDLERS, click on this link!
Thanks for stopping by!

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