
Friday, November 29, 2013

Flannel Friday - There Was a Bold Lady

Well, since I have already made felts for every version of I Know and Old Lady who Swallowed WHATEVER for my story timers, I thought I would whip up (I literally whipped these up!) this version for my SPACE themed story time next week!  Lucille Colandro has an 'Old Lady' book for every season, but this one is by Charise Mericle Harper.  The artwork is very different from Colandro's version, or Taback, or the variety of other versions, but it definitely works for the space theme, and no one dies! 

There really isn't much to this one - I hand drew the felts with puffy paint from the artwork in the book. The Bold Lady purchases different modes of transportation on her way to buy a rocket to zoom up and put that star in her pocket.

The neat thing about my version of the flannel board is that they are reversible.  After all, the Bold Lady needs to get BACK, right???

She rode the rocket back to the plane.
She flew the plane back to the car.
She drove the car back to the bike.
She pedaled the bike back to the skates.
She skated on skates back to the shoes.
She ran for miles and didn't stop for a snooze.
There was a bold lady who wanted a star.
Now I know why she wanted a put in a jar (so it wasn't so far!).

If I can get a chance to practice it some more, my plan is to go off book and sing it for my outreach next week.  I think I can do it, and I think the kids will love this version of the song!

A HUGE Shout out and Thank YOU to Kay at Storytime ABC's Blogspot for hosting this week's Flannel Friday!  She did a great job as always and is really supportive of new children's librarians.  Make sure to visit her blog!  Also you can visit Flannel Friday for more information on how to join us!


  1. Sooo funny, I've been reading this book to my grandson for 2 weeks now! He Loves know how a preschooler fixates on a favorite ;) anyway, now I want to make the flannels to go with it. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. I am so glad! You know, I did this story for 7 preschool classes yesterday and I couldn't get over how all of them participated and seemed to enjoy it far more than the books I was reading. Glad your grandson loves it too!
