
Monday, November 24, 2014

Imagination Station - Let's Play "Post Office!"

Our most popular Imagination Station thus far has been, hands-down, our Post Office! Let's take a look at some of our activities:
The Post Office (puppet theatre):


The Mail Bag and Envelopes:
Made of felt, obviously!

Do you recognize these from a Preschool Story Time post? We didn't want to ruin Miss Sue's set, so we made a second mail bag and envelopes to be played with.
Postcards and Stamps:
Although kids loved this activity, it did, unfortunately mean a lot of paper waste.

Don't forget to mail your postcards in the Mail Box!:

A hidden flap in the bottom so we could retrieve the mail! Miss Kristie's creation!
And who wouldn't want to drive the Mail Truck??:

Duct tape straps made this so easy to slip on and "drive" around!
(This truck has since been recycled into a school bus!)

We had foam visors, which once said "Mail" in foam letters, but they kept falling off!
Miss Kristie also made those little mail boxes, which we placed around the room.  That way kids could deliver the mail around the neighborhood!
This was probably our messiest Imagination Station so far, because we were constantly cleaning up the papers and stamps, emptying the envelopes, rounding up all of the pieces and straightening up.  But it was also the most fun! Kids really enjoyed driving the truck, wearing the visors and mail bag, and leaving us mail in the big mail box!
Looking back, it's clear that children were able to practice at least four of the ECRR2 practices:
Reading - "mail" related books were on display
Writing - they wrote on postcards
Talking - that puppet theatre got A LOT of use
Playing - just look at all of these cool things to play with!
Feel free to borrow any of these ideas - we borrowed some of them, ourselves! And share with us any great ideas you've had for imaginative play!
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the way you have shared your views thanks alot for sharing will surely bookmarked this wonderful resource!
    usps change of address
