
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Flannel Friday - Five Little Babies

I came across this really cute "Five Little Babies" rhyme last week and was inspired to make some cute little felt babies to go with it! Thanks so much to King County Library System for the rhyme - watch the video to see how the actions are done!

I drew the pieces freehand, but based them off the ones on the cover of this adorable book:
Baby Parade by Rebecca O'Connell

One little baby rocking in a tree.

Two little babies splashing in the sea!

Three little babies crawling on the floor.

Four little babies banging on the door!

Five little babies playing hide-and-seek!

Keep your eyes closed, now,
Until I say, "Peek!"

I was really happy with how these cuties turned out! I even added a tiny bit of blush to give them "rosy" cheeks. Just dabbed it on with my finger.  They were actually really easy to make - I just used the same template for each one's body and head, and then just switched up the colors and clothing patterns, etc.

Voila! Cute babies - just what you need for your next story time, I bet! :o)

Happy Flannel Friday!

Thanks so much to Mollie at What Happens in Storytime for hosting this week! Flannel Friday is for anyone interested in finding and sharing great flannelboard ideas!  You can learn more about Flannel Friday and how to participate here.


  1. I have some baby faces that I like to use with this rhyme, but your toddling babies are ADORABLE and I am adding them to my to-do list!

  2. I love this book and this flannel! So cute!

  3. Do you happen to have a pattern of these little guys that you would be able to email? I am thinking of doing this for an upcoming Baby Rhyme Time and love this idea so!

    1. Hi Kelly, I'm sorry, I actually just drew them freehand. If you had some tracing paper you could trace the babies on the cover of the book - they are what I modeled mine after. Good luck!
