
Friday, July 29, 2016

Flannel Friday - Mr. Lou's Mustache

I wanted to read the fabulous Book O'Beards by Donald Lemke in a family story time, and needed a fun rhyme to go with it.

Thank you, Literary Hoots, for this hilarious and fun felt rhyme! The kiddos loved it so much that we had to do it twice!

Mr. Lou's Mustache

There once was a man named Mr. Lou,
He had a mustache that grew and GREW!

On Monday it was as tiny as his nose.

By Tuesday, on and on it grows!

By Wednesday, it stretches as far as his ears!

By Thursday, it looks as if it has grown for years!
But on Friday, Mr. Lou caught the flu,
Aaah, aaah, aaaaaahhhhchooooo!
On the last "achoo," I pulled the mustaches off his face and threw them at the kids!  They shrieked with delight!
The wording is a little awkward, but they are so interested in what's happening to Mr. Lou that I don't think anyone really notices. 
This was really fun and I can see us using this felt set and rhyme over and over again in future story times!
Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks to Mel's Desk for hosting the roundup this week!  Flannel Friday is for anyone interested in finding and sharing great flannel board ideas!  You can learn more about Flannel Friday and how to participate here.